
Dear Commander,
We are pleased you are here!

As it stands, Earth Mission Command is your base, your foundation and where you initiate movement. It has long been awaited to be revived as it holds much power and much reach. It is a center of great emanation, great diffusion of energy. It is your multidimensional home. It is joyful and light, it is growth, it is support, it is where you open the door to seeing humans in their full light, reconnected to their star journeys and their potential and power as humans.

Here is where the word HUMAN becomes light, a synonym of greatness, love, joy and magic. It is where humans remember what they were always meant to be. Take this into your heart. Feel its resonance and remember that which you came to create.

Everyone is specifically gifted, they are here to be this gift and share themselves so humans can thrive, so all light beings can have a HOME. So Earth can become the center of the universe again, a place of culture, a place where all thrive, an ecosystem that is sovereign and enlightened.

This is our vision for this world.
This is YOUR vision for this world.
It starts when you are willing to create it.
And so it begins.

We walk with you and support you.
We are Earth Mission Command

Latest Living Transmissions

6 – Coming Together

As the journey progresses, EMC invites the Commanders to step onto the path of the Christ Consciousness. Will you take this opportunity to walk the...

1 – Custodians of Earth

This transmission speaks of the subtle changes that occur in your body when you consciously choose to step into The Commander title. By speaking your...

2 – Inner Heart Frequency

As your journey continues, the EMC offers to boost your inner-heart frequency to facilitate the transformation, both energetically and physically...

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